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CPAU for Criminal Justice reform

Central Pennsylvania United (CPAU) has joined a community coalition working on helping people incarcerated at the Centre County Correctional Facility (CCCF) receive outdoor recreation time. CCCF has NO outdoor rec, despite Pa Code: § 95.238 mandating that “Jails shall provide all prisoners at least 2 hours daily, physical exercise in the open, weather permitting.” Most of these individuals are suffering from mental health conditions. And a significant portion of these individuals incarcerated are awaiting trial. 

We firmly believe that Centre County should take the lead within the Pennsylvania prison system by shifting towards a rehabilitation-focused approach that prioritizes the physical and mental well-being of people incarcerated at CCCF. This crucial step will enable our fellow community members to reintegrate into society successfully.

We need YOUR help! To use your voice and let our public officials know that the community cares about this issue.

Shirley Gorski
Central PA United Organizer


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