Become a member
For democracy to work for all of us, it must include us all. PA United organizes to build power for every day, working-class people in small cities and towns across Western PA. Over the years, we’ve knocked hundreds of thousands of doors to help flip back counties that voted for Trump in 2016, developed member leadership teams and hundreds of volunteers, and passed local legislation around criminal justice reform, safe and affordable housing, environmental justice, and equitable economic development.
By becoming a member, your monthly dues support this multi-racial movement of people fighting for progressive social change.
Don’t see your county listed? Join our movement by becoming a general member of PA United!

“I’m a member of Pennsylvania United because they’re doing exactly the kind of work that needs to be done to win a just future for people in 2020 and beyond.”
Matt Gulish
PA United Member

“Life is a journey. Take advantage of every opportunity you have to make a difference within yourself as well as others. Being a member is so rewarding just knowing that your time has made a difference for the greater good.”
Mary Jane Gilliam
Beaver County United Member