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Arnold Community United

Arnold Community United, the Arnold branch of Voice of Westmoreland, works to enhance the City of Arnold by co-governing and involving more citizens in the political process, building a stronger, better city together.

What we’ve accomplished:

  • The seeds of Arnold Community United were planted in 2018 when Voice of Westmoreland members attended a rally opposing the Mayor of Arnold after she made racist comments about protesters advocating for justice following the death of Antwon Rose. VOW deepened their ties with Arnold residents by helping them to organize a Black Lives Matter protest, with Arnold Community United officially forming in 2023 to hold listening canvasses to get a sense of the issues residents face in Arnold. Arnold Community United followed up the canvasses by holding community meetings and cleanups.


  • Building on this moment, the group ran and endorsed two members – Aaron Moore and Shannon Santucci in their respective races for Arnold City Council and Arnold Mayor. Both successfully won their races and are now committed to co-governing, working side-by-side with community members to create a better Arnold.

“Learning how to canvass, organize, and do 1:1’s, this is what we get when we are part of VOW.”

Aaron Moore

Arnold City Councilman and VOW Member Leader

Current Campaigns:

We hold monthly community cleanups April – September to clean up our community, working to make Arnold a place everybody is proud to call home.

We are currently talking to residents to identify the issues that matter most to the community and to guide our efforts accordingly.

We encourage community members to attend the monthly city council meetings to hear about the changes being made by our elected officials. Meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month at 7 PM at the Arnold Public Safety Building.