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Do you want to build a movement of people that can win in 2020? 

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In 2016, Donald Trump won Pennsylvania by only 44,292 votes. Since Trump’s election, we have made tremendous gains building grassroots political power in small cities, towns, and rural areas across our state. But the 2020 election is almost here. To win this year and build our power for long-term change (because we know the problems we face did not start with Trump), we need hundreds of everyday Pennsylvanians — people like you — to step up and help build a people’s movement.


The 2020 Fellows Program is a volunteer program to bring in the thousands of people necessary to win in 2020 and build a multi-racial, working-class movement for independent political power. The first phase of the Fellows Program ran from February to June, bringing together over 40 community leaders to learn and take action together. Now, we’re excited to launch Phase 2 and accept more Fellows. Check out what Aaron, a current member of the Fellows Program in Westmoreland County, says about his experience so far: “My experience has been one of enlightenment and power building. I’ve learned the importance of independent political power and how to apply it to my leadership work and organizing.”

The 2020 Fellows Program is a unique opportunity to develop your leadership and organizing skills with a cohort of peers from over 20 counties across the state and with support from a team of experienced coaches. Participants will develop public leadership, skills related to building a team of volunteers, narrative strategy and persuasion, and movement building.

There is only one political force that can fix our democracy and create a Pennsylvania that works for all of us. That force is us. So many people have struggled to make our state and our nation better. Now it’s our responsibility to take on this work.

Are you interested in joining the 2020 Fellows Program? Click here to apply!

What the program will look like:

During the summer, participants will attend weekly trainings to build a community of people from across the state and learn new skills. Participants will also have weekly coaching sessions, small group discussions, and regular public actions. The Fellows Program will have two tracks. 

  • The Base-Building Track will support Fellows to build powerful membership bases, and to practice the skills of facilitation, one-to-ones, and volunteer recruitment. This track is for you if you want to build a sustainable group of members for long-term change!

  • The Deep Canvassing Track will train Fellows to be expert deep canvassers who practice building rapport, curiosity, and personal storytelling to create long-lasting relationships with voters on the phone. This track is for you if you want to learn how to recruit and train a team of deep canvassers to build towards our work on the Fall election and beyond!

Have more questions? Check out the 2020 Fellows Program Frequently Asked Questions and Volunteer Principles! Still, have more questions? Email: